3rd.Exhibition 開催決定!Kentaro Okawara(大河原 健太郎)
4月からの展示予定アーチスト Kentaro Okawara(大河原 健太郎)

3rd.Exhibition TITLE: "BE THE ONE"
Kentaro Okawara is a Tokyo/Seoul based artist working across various mediums from painting, sculpture and books to streetwear collections and collaborations. Okawara's work explores his long held belief that making art is an expression of love and a means to connect with each other. Each piece presents a surreal yet familiar cast of characters; a cocktail of humans, creatures, and personified objects interact with each other in intimate and bizarre ways to create a world that can be endearingly engaged by all. Within Okawara’s world of bright colours and stylised motifs he addresses the importance of direct eye-to-eye and face-to-face communication. In this digital age where we seem to exchange our thoughts and feelings primarily over the Internet, Okawara’s work encourages us to think again, cast aside our differences and re-connect to our shared humanity.